Footer and sidebars disappear when Listly embedded in page or post

Trying to use Listly on a blog without much success.

  1. The Publisher Key won’t connect/verify, so I can’t use shortcodes to embed. I just get a link to the site instead of the actual list.

  2. Using the iFrame code works, but the rest of the page/post doesn’t display. Checking the source, the html is there, but nothing shows on the screen after the embedded list.

The 2nd sounds like a compatibility issue with other plugins or themes, but I tried the wp 2016 default theme and had the same issue.

I really don’t want to have to change any other plugins, so hoping it might be resolved if I can get the Listly plugin to connect with listly and confirm my account so I can use the shortcode?

Are these connection issues common?

Any ideas much appreciated,


Should add… using the shortcode, the page displays properly, but there’s only a link to the list on listly, so not a solution until I can get the full ‘list’ to display.

Matt, we checked your publisher key on a test blog and it seems to verify correctly. Can you recheck that you have the right key? You can get your key from

When you try again, can you let us know if you get “connectivity error” or an “invalid key” error when you click on “Check Status” in the Listly settings screen? Can you share a screenshot?

HI, it’s a connectivity error … No connectivity or Listly service not available. Try later. … for about 8-9 hours now.

Definitely the right key, right domain … screen shot attached.


Have deactivated my security/firewall plugins …

Matt, this is quite weird. We register publisher key pings hundreds a day on our servers.

Can you try couple of things:

  1. Remove the Listly Plugin on WordPress and reinstall

  2. If you have shell access to your WordPress installation, can you please sign in and run the following command:

curl -X POST -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" -F "key=54430a127176022dd318" ""

You should get a response similar to the following:

{"status":"ok","message":"Approved Publisher","user_url":"//","subscription":false}

This would indicate that there’s connectivity between your WP installation and Listly servers.

If you don’t mind creating a user on your server and have us sign in and take a look, please send the credentials to

Thanks for that and apologies for the non response… got caught up elsewhere.

Checking back, the ID is now showing as verified and the wordpress/shortcode embed option is working for me.

After posting my initial message, I did notice that the code provided for iFrame embed did not have a closing < /iframe > tag included, and adding that resolved the various display problems. (Might want to check that!)



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Matt, great. We will check on the iframe code issue!