Adjusting slideshow size based on images

I would like to know how to adjust the size of our slideshow so that the images aren’t so large. We would like the gallery to be smaller so that when we embed it on our site, it doesn’t take up so much space. Thanks.

A Listly embed is responsive and it takes up as much available space on the host page as allowed by the parent DOM in your html. You can restrict the size of the embed by wrapping the embed code in a parent DIV that’s restricts the size of the Listly Embed. For example, the following will restrict the Listly embed to 400px wide.

<div style="width:400px">
 <!--Listly Embed code or WP Short Code here-->

You can share your URL so we can take a look at it as well.

Thanks! That was a big help and worked. How about if I wanted to center the gallery on the page?