List URL not working

Whenever a friend shares the following List with me, I receive the “Lemur is lost” not found message and cannot view the list. Help!


I can click the “Favorite” button beneath the title of the list, but whenever I click on the title to view the entire list, I receive the “Lemur is lost” message.


PS, I have already tried the following without success:

  • Access the URL
  • Clear my browser’s cache (Google Chrome, latest)
  • Open URL in Incognito mode (Google Chrome, latest)
  • Open URL in Firefox (latest)
  • Open URL in Microsoft Edge (latest)

None of these worked, and all produced the same result.

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Hi @darcy-goshorn looks like that list is marked private. Can you reach out to your friend and ask them to make it public, assuming your friend made the list?

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Or they can alternately share their private list with a secret URL…

This was the reason I could not access it. Many thanks for your help!

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